Is MBA worth It? 5 Reasons to do and don't.

Is MBA Worth? MBA Jobs and Salary


Before starting the topic Is MBA Worth? let us first understand what is MBA? I already know that you know about MBA - (Masters in Business Administration) and you also know that it is a 2 year one of the most popular post-graduation program developed for that mangers like you and anyone from any stream whether it is commerce, arts, medical, engineering etc. can pursue it. 

MBA allows you to learn how to successfully manage and lead the organisation and adapt in various business environment. It helps you in every aspect of your career, it is a combination of both theory and practical knowledge which will provide u with great learning whether you are looking to accelerate your career, transition to a new industry or to become an entrepreneur, an MBA can help you get there.

MBA is currently the most popular and professional degree that you can show in your resume very proudly anywhere in the world. today there are over 2500+ MBA programs offered worldwide and most demanded degree worldwide. CAT is the most popular exam in INDIA for giving MBA exam and GMAT for outside India. yeah, there are many more like CET, XAT, NMAT, etc but CAT is generally common in all the colleges. 

MBA offers many specializations like;-

  • MBA in Marketing 
  • MBA in Finance 
  • MBA in Human Resource
  • MBA in Consulting

Is an MBA Worth?

is MBA Worth?
is MBA Worth?
In a short word answer if I give that MBA is worth or not then it could be depended upon various factors such as from where are you doing the MBA, if it is from top 20 or even 30 business school in your countries then I would say it is worth doing from there excluding the factors of cost or any expanse in this then it is a good bet, but according to me MBA from a below-average business school is not a good deal depending upon the expense you will give there and in return of ROI you will be getting there and it will be very less compared to top business school.

Not all MBA degree create equal opportunity. There are many private as well as government college increasing which provides this degree to the students but it is not valuable unless you get a degree from a respectable top business school it is not worth the fee you will pay there. companies have to hire future manager for there firm and they will not take any person who had done degree from any unknown and any online institute instead of top 20 or 30 business school.

An MBA might help you in getting a job interview but it will never guarantee you that it will provide you with a job it all depends on your capability and skills. If you are currently working in any firm with an average salary without an MBA then it will help you with promotion and you can go with it as it will help you in your profession.

5 Reasons when MBA is not worth-

why not do mba

1)- Wrong Timing - You exactly know what you want from MBA but the right or wrong timing will make or break your decision of doing an MBA when you apply very late or apply very early in your career and end up in an average college. if you are above 30 and already have 6-8 years of experience then it has a very unique set of challenges for you and it may be not worth for you and if you apply very early and end up in average college the also the same situation, so the right timing and decision plays a very important role.

2)- Wrong Program -  There are many types of MBA programme such as 1 year, 2 year, part-time, full time, online, distance, correspondence, and executive. when you select the programme which have very little scope like online or distance then I would say it is not worth. selecting the wrong programme may not help you, always go for a full-time programme

3)- Unclear expectation - if you are not clear what you really want from the MBA then it is not worth for you any day in your life and you will probably not be happy after doing MBA if you are seeing for any clarity after your graduation as it will end un confusing you more. 

4)- Incorrect perception - if you are expecting a better job after doing an MBA then there is nothing wrong in it because that's why you have to spend too much on this to get something in return on your investment but it's an unclear prospection as in business school there are more of theoretical concept and less of practical life concept and it is nowhere related to what you will do in your corporate environment. when you look at your college as a placement agency that's where the value of MBA drops.

5)- MBA Degree - if you are doing MBA for just he sack of a degree then my friend it is not worth for you if you by seeing brochures of top college with high 4k quality images and placement records and happy faces and a degree in their hand and safe job, if you are doing just for this purpose then it is not worth for you at all.

Want to know about what is MBA in Marketing? What is the scope and salary for this and Top institute to target? CLICK HERE. (Bonus tip Added) 

5 Reasons for doing MBA 


1)- Develop advance management skills - An MBA degree will help you in improving -

  • leadership skills and people management skills
  • good decision making by taking right calls at the right time 
  • develop to advertise and sell your product 
  • manage difficult situations 
  • consistency 
  • keep company finance healthy 
  • business communication skills 
2)- MBA Specializations - There are a lot of MBA specialization to fit your goals like -

  • MBA in Marketing  
  • MBA in Finance 
  • MBA in Human Resource
  • MBA in Consulting
  • International Business 
  • General Management
  • Strategic Management 
3)-  Entrepreneur - Yes, you can start your own company from scratch by doing and getting an MBA degree and start or grow your business or your startup. you will learn many fundamentals of management in this programme and will help you in becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Your teachers in your college are well-experienced people and can tell you about there real-life experience and help you to how to maintain the path of your business. 

you will also find people with the similar interest or from the same industry or business which you are doing and it will help someone to start a start-up programme with them or else you can learn a lot from them and you can also share your experience with them about business and grow together.

4)- MBA is Great for a career change - There are many large firms for eg - 
  • Amazon 
  • Google
  • Walt Disney 
  • Jp morgan 
  • Apple 
  • Boston 
  • HUL 
  • Facebook 
  • Microsoft 
  • TCS 

AND many more which will career-changing moment for you in your life as many people take to change their stream and industry and it becomes a fining moment in their life. 

Graduates of part-time or full 2-year MBA programme have a high chance of holding a high-level management position and enjoying a great and successful career. over more than 51% of MBA graduates from the top most college or business school of there country are now the top managers or director of big firms with a handsome salary package. 

5) - MBA is not difficult to graduate -  Here are some examples that you will usually included as a part of your curriculum in your post-graduation degree and it may offer you an insight into how difficult you might find the experience of MBA learning - 

  • Business law 
  • HRM 
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Management
  • Managerial Economics 
  • Accounts For Managers 
  • Strategic Management 
  • Managing Business Environment
  • Organisational Behaviour 
  • Operations Management
  • Operational Research
 in short, I can say that an MBA as difficult as you make it and it is as rewarding as you will invest in this. 

Bottom line for MBA 

worth doing mba
SO IS MBA WORTH IT? After reading the reasons to do and reasons to not do you can self figure out for your own that it is good for you or not. Form a certain point of you, the MBA has proven remarkably excellent in certain conditions and economic conditions and from another point of view, here is some improvement still to made by the business school regarding the MBA curriculum so that it comprises of more of practical approach and less of theory approach so that it becomes suitable for students to easily adapt in the outside real corporate world. I think MBA subjects still requires a modern change for a greener future. 

AN MBA degree can enhance one's career path and help him in getting a suitable and good handsome salary job in hand, only the cost or expanse that you will pay is high but if you are paying at a top business school in your country then don't consider it as an expanse as it is an investment that you are making on your self which will have a great ROI in future. 

If anyone can not afford the huge fee of business school then I will recommend for a loan from the government you have converted top institute of your country as you can repay this very easily in future but if you cant go for an then you can choose any other low-cost professional degree instead such as CS CA CFA, ETC it is also a great option to consider for your better and greener future. 

 SO best of luck for your career and if you have any query or any feedback please mention in the comment box below or any extra information you want to give you are always welcome and subscribe to our blog for more information about MBA.




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